What Being a Young Sydney Catholic Taught Me about Mission



A man, sitting at a desk before the glow of an iMac, surrounded by the white soundproof walls of a North Sydney office block.

This is not the scene most people imagine when picturing the work of evangelisation. But for me, this is part my mission. I am the Production and Communications Officer at Cradio Limited, a Catholic podcasting and online radio service based in Sydney. Most of my job simply consists of sitting on a computer and editing audio files, then posting those audio files on our website – with a bit of creative design and promotion in between.

Indeed, it can be easy to look past the missionary aspect of what might look like a regular office job. Yet the Lord has continued to surprise me with how this work has brought others closer to Himself and His Church.

Now, on reflecting upon my experience in these areas, the consistent lesson that I have learned from these three areas in this: That we are called to be channels of God’s grace to others. Through our lives, we are called to be missionaries in the world and bearers of His grace.

In this article, I will reflect on three different experiences I’ve had as part of Cradio, the young Sydney Catholic scene, and the pro-life movement in Sydney. From each of these, I’ve learned something different yet equally valuable on how we are called to mission through being channels of God’s grace:

• That it is His work
• That we cannot keep it to ourselves
• That we must be willing to step out. Continue reading